Eagle Nest Radio & Class Blog
I enjoyed listening to this class podcast. Before hearing it, my ideas on how to do a podcast were pretty vague. I loved that they put music to the whole thing. That definitely made it more interesting and easier to listen to. For instance, if they were talking about a battle scene at a Roman coliseum the music would become intensely dramatic so that you could easily picture in your mind two men about to fight. Next, the topic changed to talking about Cleopatra's life and with the change in subject, the music also changed. The music became softer so that the listener could further distinguish this change. The music made the podcast much more interesting and easier to follow. I look forward to using music in my own podcast to come.
The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom
This video brought about many good points of not only how podcast can be used in a learning environment but also why. A very essential point that the video makes in the beginning is that students today are apart of the Millennial generation. This generation has been raised to use the advanced technologies in their everyday life. So, it would only make sense to put those to use in the classroom. Podcast can be used to enhance their learning experiences for many reasons. For example, if a student has been sick for an extended period of time, the teacher could assign them podcast to listen to and watch from home so that they are not getting behind on their work. Secondly, the information given in podcast is very relevant and it is easy to find podcast that are credible. iTunesU has many free podcast that come from university professors all over the world. But not only are podcast available to listen to, students can also make their own podcast as a group learning project. This is a fun idea for students because it gets them involved with the technologies that they are already using today. Furthermore, podcast can be kept up with on a class blog, such as our own. This allows for students to keep up with their school work from home, comment on the blogs which could lead to an online class discussion, and even a way for parents to check in on how the class is going. Therefore, podcast are extremely beneficial to the classroom. They offer nothing but benefits!
100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better
Before looking over this article, I had never realized how many things my iPod can be used for outside of listening to music. You can also download novels to the iPod if you were assigned to read one for a class. But not only just novels are available, but also Bibles for seminary students, you can listen to tutorials on how to speak different languages and even take an iJourney. I thought that the iJourney was pretty neat because you can listen to tours of different cities all over the world.
iPods are also great for putting study information on so that you conveniently have it with you anywhere you go without hauling around bulky books and notebooks. On your iPod, you can get Sparknotes, an SAT vocabulary builder and even a Kaplan SAT prep guide. After reading the article, I was surprised to find out how much you studying can be done with an iPod.
The downloads are great but the applications are even more immense. There is an application for just about anything that you would want to do with your iPod. From playing games and reading jokes to fixing a cocktail or surfing the web. It is true that the iPod is a powerful tool that you really can do just about anything with.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Blog Assignment #4
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
This post was written by Dr. Scott McLeod who is an associate professor of educational administration at Iowa State University and also a co-creator of the Did You Know? video.
My point of view from this article is that he is being witty and sarcastic but at the same time making good points that there are harmful things on the Internet for children. However, I believe that it is completely acceptable for children to surf the web. Yes, there are sites that children should stay away from but there are also so many more benefits to outweigh the negatives. I have been using the Internet since I was in grade school, myself. Nothing bad or harmful ever happened to me or my friends so I believe that becoming technologically literate at a young age is for the best. Like, Dr. McLeod said that the end, "can't wait to see who has a leg up in a decade or two."
The iSchool Initiative
The iSchool initiative is this idea to take the technology that we already have from the iTouch and use it to for just about anything used in the classroom. The vast applications range from history and science subjects to being able to take notes, e-mail and have a calendar. It would be able to save thousands of dollars in the school systems because books would not have to be purchased and printing cost could go down. In addition it is also a way of "going green." We could salvage our natuarl resources with less paper being used.
In my personal opinion, I think that it is a great idea. However, I do not believe that it is very feasable right now. Since the technology is so new, I believe that many school boards and parents would have concerns about it. For instance, what about children in special education classes? These children already have a difficult time keeping up with the rest of the class. I think that this is something else that would hold them back even further. Maybe not educationally, but most definitly in a social sense.
Lost Generation
This video was somewhat depressing. I had never considered myself apart of this "Lost Generation," of given much thought to what people say about my generation. True, society as a whole is changing and people say that my generation is not going to take time to make it any better. But, I don't but into this. I think that our generation can have a postive impact. Who is to say that we don't want the same things that people had in generations before us? In this video the words were scrolling down the screen but, as it ended they went back up in the positive direction. So, I have left this video with a positive outlook on my generation because I know that we will make a difference for the better.
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Wow! I have never seen or imagined anything like this! It is amazing how technologies are able to do this. The programs that we have for computers today are absolutely phenomenal and mind boggling. This group of people sounded like a professional choir but I think that it is truly the talent of Eric Whitacre that should be appreciated. To say the least, this video was fascinating!
This post was written by Dr. Scott McLeod who is an associate professor of educational administration at Iowa State University and also a co-creator of the Did You Know? video.
My point of view from this article is that he is being witty and sarcastic but at the same time making good points that there are harmful things on the Internet for children. However, I believe that it is completely acceptable for children to surf the web. Yes, there are sites that children should stay away from but there are also so many more benefits to outweigh the negatives. I have been using the Internet since I was in grade school, myself. Nothing bad or harmful ever happened to me or my friends so I believe that becoming technologically literate at a young age is for the best. Like, Dr. McLeod said that the end, "can't wait to see who has a leg up in a decade or two."
The iSchool Initiative
The iSchool initiative is this idea to take the technology that we already have from the iTouch and use it to for just about anything used in the classroom. The vast applications range from history and science subjects to being able to take notes, e-mail and have a calendar. It would be able to save thousands of dollars in the school systems because books would not have to be purchased and printing cost could go down. In addition it is also a way of "going green." We could salvage our natuarl resources with less paper being used.
In my personal opinion, I think that it is a great idea. However, I do not believe that it is very feasable right now. Since the technology is so new, I believe that many school boards and parents would have concerns about it. For instance, what about children in special education classes? These children already have a difficult time keeping up with the rest of the class. I think that this is something else that would hold them back even further. Maybe not educationally, but most definitly in a social sense.
Lost Generation
This video was somewhat depressing. I had never considered myself apart of this "Lost Generation," of given much thought to what people say about my generation. True, society as a whole is changing and people say that my generation is not going to take time to make it any better. But, I don't but into this. I think that our generation can have a postive impact. Who is to say that we don't want the same things that people had in generations before us? In this video the words were scrolling down the screen but, as it ended they went back up in the positive direction. So, I have left this video with a positive outlook on my generation because I know that we will make a difference for the better.
Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir
Wow! I have never seen or imagined anything like this! It is amazing how technologies are able to do this. The programs that we have for computers today are absolutely phenomenal and mind boggling. This group of people sounded like a professional choir but I think that it is truly the talent of Eric Whitacre that should be appreciated. To say the least, this video was fascinating!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Additional Assignment #1
Before having this assignment,I had never heard of neither Google Squared nor WolframAlpha. However, I see now that they both offer quick paths to information that is relevant and factual. In Google Squared, I was able to quickly find information not only in paragraph form but also in tables and charts. This enabled me to cut out much wasted as compared to if I were just using the usual Google search engine.
WolframAlpha is also a great tool. On this website, again, I was able to get right to the basis of what I was really searching for with out wasting time. When I decided to randomly type in, "pregnancy" it immediately gave me a definition, it's pronunciation, and synonyms along with other information. The information given from this search engine is also factual and straight to the point.
These search engines are ideal for students and professionals to use on a day to day basis. They cut out a lot of wasted time for a few reasons. One is that they go straight to what you are probably searching for. Additionally, I wouldn't have to search multiple sites in determining which is most relevant and reliable as to what I am searching for.
After revisiting my blog portion on "Did You Know?," Dr. Strange's comments definitely put that video into perspective. As a whole, the US has such a large landmass that I guess we sometimes forget that we really are not that big in terms of population. Furthermore, for the countries with large populations, such as China and India, it would only make sense that they would be the world leaders. In my opinion is that those who are in control would be those with the most manpower.
So, from this excercise I have learned not to take a statistic for "face-value." You really have to think about what you are looking at and why that number is there.
Food for Thought: It amazes me how we are so advanced in technology and yet they are so simple.
WolframAlpha is also a great tool. On this website, again, I was able to get right to the basis of what I was really searching for with out wasting time. When I decided to randomly type in, "pregnancy" it immediately gave me a definition, it's pronunciation, and synonyms along with other information. The information given from this search engine is also factual and straight to the point.
These search engines are ideal for students and professionals to use on a day to day basis. They cut out a lot of wasted time for a few reasons. One is that they go straight to what you are probably searching for. Additionally, I wouldn't have to search multiple sites in determining which is most relevant and reliable as to what I am searching for.
After revisiting my blog portion on "Did You Know?," Dr. Strange's comments definitely put that video into perspective. As a whole, the US has such a large landmass that I guess we sometimes forget that we really are not that big in terms of population. Furthermore, for the countries with large populations, such as China and India, it would only make sense that they would be the world leaders. In my opinion is that those who are in control would be those with the most manpower.
So, from this excercise I have learned not to take a statistic for "face-value." You really have to think about what you are looking at and why that number is there.
Food for Thought: It amazes me how we are so advanced in technology and yet they are so simple.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
C4T Summary Post #1
Daneah Galloway had many good insights to technology in her post. In the first post that I had read, "Magic Wand," she discusses the rapid change in technology and how there are no boundaries to what humans can accomplish. She stated that the ideas of boundaries have really become "obsolete." I agreed with her post and commented that there are so many changes in technology but not many of these changes are being seen in the educational systems. There are so many ways to improve technology but they are not being taken advantage of when it comes to educating our children.
In the next post, "The Hole," Daneah talks about how she is in Bangkok and buying her first home in the US. She purchased this home thousands of miles away and while still in Bangkok she does a complete remodel. This is all made possible through technology. Her family and friends in the US would use tools such as iPhone pictures and Skype to keep her updated. I am amazed when I read this. Here this woman is thousands of miles away and still in complete control of what is being done to her first home. When I commented, I left a thought of what people ever did without technology? I wonder how people ever lived without the technologies that we have today and if we had to, could we live without them again? I think not.
In the next post, "The Hole," Daneah talks about how she is in Bangkok and buying her first home in the US. She purchased this home thousands of miles away and while still in Bangkok she does a complete remodel. This is all made possible through technology. Her family and friends in the US would use tools such as iPhone pictures and Skype to keep her updated. I am amazed when I read this. Here this woman is thousands of miles away and still in complete control of what is being done to her first home. When I commented, I left a thought of what people ever did without technology? I wonder how people ever lived without the technologies that we have today and if we had to, could we live without them again? I think not.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Blog #3
A Vision of Students Today
When watching the video, I felt that many of their points were not relevant to the experiences that I have had at the University of South Alabama. I feel that I am satisfied with the education that I have received thus far and that, overall, I have had good experiences within the classroom. I believe that technology is not used as much on our campus when compared to this classroom setting. In comparison to the classroom setting being portrayed in the video, the class size at USA is much smaller, most students still take notes with pen and paper (not computer) and that a large majority of my professors have taken the time to get to know me when I approached them.
I think that technology in a college setting can be both good and bad. Good, because it allows us to communicate fasters. But also, bad, because the personal side of students and professors getting to know each other is lost. So, what I would do differently in this video would be taking the main point in a different direction. I would focus more on what technologies effects are having on today's college student. How is the college experience different today than it was 20 years ago? Maybe colleges and universities are still stuck in the past and technology is changing so rapidly that the deans and professors can not keep up with it.
It's Not about the Technology
Mrs. Hines brought about many good points on technology that I can agree with. There is no doubt that technology is creating newer ways of how people function in life. Funding for the latest programs and innovations is being put into use in American schools. However, if teachers are not educated on how to use these new programs then what's the point of putting the money there?
I believe that teachers have to be willing to move on towards the future so that the children will also be prepared to for even more technological advances to come. Perhaps, this could start early on in the education system. What is the schools were to take less of a focus off of history and make more time for computer programming classes. Since history does have a way of repeating itself, I believe that it is essential that students understand the past. But, we are suppose to be preparing them for the future and the only way that this will really happen is to embrace the future ourselves.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Some could say that Mr. Fisch's comments were a little extreme but I agree with most of what he had to say. First and foremost, it is my belief that we must be able to understand computers in order to be an active member of today's society. I agree with his point that as great and as vast as technology is today, it still can be used merely as a simple tool to help us teach. But once again, teachers must first have at least a basic understanding of technology.
Teachers today must be willing to continue to learn new technologies and be willing to change with them. Mr. Fisch made a very profound statement by saying that, "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." I believe that the educational systems of the US are still stuck 1970's where knowing how to read and write were probably the main two requirements of being a teacher. In that day and age, if you could read and write then you had just about the complete capability of being able to learn something yourself and then go out and teach it to others.
Social Media Count
All of these topics that having changing statistics at such rapid rates all have one thing in common. That is, that they all pertain to some sort of Internet and computer technology. These statistics are evidence that there are more people using technology than ever before. Technology is truly the future of all modernized life. So, we must embrace and move with it. If we do not then we will be stuck in the past and unable to function with all societies across the globe.
When watching the video, I felt that many of their points were not relevant to the experiences that I have had at the University of South Alabama. I feel that I am satisfied with the education that I have received thus far and that, overall, I have had good experiences within the classroom. I believe that technology is not used as much on our campus when compared to this classroom setting. In comparison to the classroom setting being portrayed in the video, the class size at USA is much smaller, most students still take notes with pen and paper (not computer) and that a large majority of my professors have taken the time to get to know me when I approached them.
I think that technology in a college setting can be both good and bad. Good, because it allows us to communicate fasters. But also, bad, because the personal side of students and professors getting to know each other is lost. So, what I would do differently in this video would be taking the main point in a different direction. I would focus more on what technologies effects are having on today's college student. How is the college experience different today than it was 20 years ago? Maybe colleges and universities are still stuck in the past and technology is changing so rapidly that the deans and professors can not keep up with it.
It's Not about the Technology
Mrs. Hines brought about many good points on technology that I can agree with. There is no doubt that technology is creating newer ways of how people function in life. Funding for the latest programs and innovations is being put into use in American schools. However, if teachers are not educated on how to use these new programs then what's the point of putting the money there?
I believe that teachers have to be willing to move on towards the future so that the children will also be prepared to for even more technological advances to come. Perhaps, this could start early on in the education system. What is the schools were to take less of a focus off of history and make more time for computer programming classes. Since history does have a way of repeating itself, I believe that it is essential that students understand the past. But, we are suppose to be preparing them for the future and the only way that this will really happen is to embrace the future ourselves.
Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
Some could say that Mr. Fisch's comments were a little extreme but I agree with most of what he had to say. First and foremost, it is my belief that we must be able to understand computers in order to be an active member of today's society. I agree with his point that as great and as vast as technology is today, it still can be used merely as a simple tool to help us teach. But once again, teachers must first have at least a basic understanding of technology.
Teachers today must be willing to continue to learn new technologies and be willing to change with them. Mr. Fisch made a very profound statement by saying that, "If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write." I believe that the educational systems of the US are still stuck 1970's where knowing how to read and write were probably the main two requirements of being a teacher. In that day and age, if you could read and write then you had just about the complete capability of being able to learn something yourself and then go out and teach it to others.
Social Media Count
All of these topics that having changing statistics at such rapid rates all have one thing in common. That is, that they all pertain to some sort of Internet and computer technology. These statistics are evidence that there are more people using technology than ever before. Technology is truly the future of all modernized life. So, we must embrace and move with it. If we do not then we will be stuck in the past and unable to function with all societies across the globe.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Blog #2 Video Response
Did You Know?
My response to this video is that I am somewhat shocked. Before watching this video, my perception of the US was that we were more technologically advanced than other countries. However, it seems to me that we are not taking advantage of all that there is to be offered. I was surprised to see that India was so much farther ahead of us in education. When I think of India, I visually picture poverty with dirt roads and cattle roaming the streets. Therefore this was the most shocking part of the video.
So, I believe that technology is developing faster than the US can keep up with. Maybe it is because other countries like China and India have larger populations and therefore have the ability to stay on top of technological advances. Maybe it is because citizens of the Southeastern United States are "stuck in our ways" and do not want change. These are just a couple of my theories that I can come up with. But, I do know that from watch the video I am more aware of where we truly stand.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
In Mr. Winkle Wakes, Mr. Winkle finds himself in a strange time that he did not know anything of from his time. Everything is different from the way a business office runs to a hospital. But, the one thing that did remain familiar to him was the school. I thought that was an interesting point how over a hundred years there had been so many technological advances but not as many were seen in the schools.
It seems to me that education would be one of the top priorities for our government to focus on with getting our future leaders ready for a more advanced time. If we do not educate our children now on technology then they could be like Mr. Winkle in the future. We may not be able to compete with the other more advanced countries like China and India.
The Importance of Creativity
Ken Robinson's talk brought about many good points in a comical sort of way. I had never thought of the school systems killing children's creativity until now but I do see where there is some validity to that. One of his main points that I agree with is that it is okay to be wrong in order to be creative. How else are you truly going to learn something if you do not try. Even today when I am sitting in my college classes I am hesitant to speak up in class on the fear of being wrong.
From this lecture, I am taking away a new perspective on creativity. When I am teaching in the classroom one day I am going to encourage and support my students original thoughts. It is true that they are the future and we will need this originality and creativity when they are running the country.
Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
One of the first points that I took out of this video is that with more technology, more students will be able to succeed. Like Vicki Davis said, "not all students can learn with paper and pencil." Technology also introduces more terms to broaden the students vocabulary. With the advancement of technology, I see these terms as actually being useful and something that they can use in day-to day-life.
Technology is also something that students and teachers are able to learn together. Since technology is constantly changing they can learn the latest trend together. Technology also encourages people to do independent learning like that of which we are doing in our class.
My response to this video is that I am somewhat shocked. Before watching this video, my perception of the US was that we were more technologically advanced than other countries. However, it seems to me that we are not taking advantage of all that there is to be offered. I was surprised to see that India was so much farther ahead of us in education. When I think of India, I visually picture poverty with dirt roads and cattle roaming the streets. Therefore this was the most shocking part of the video.
So, I believe that technology is developing faster than the US can keep up with. Maybe it is because other countries like China and India have larger populations and therefore have the ability to stay on top of technological advances. Maybe it is because citizens of the Southeastern United States are "stuck in our ways" and do not want change. These are just a couple of my theories that I can come up with. But, I do know that from watch the video I am more aware of where we truly stand.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
In Mr. Winkle Wakes, Mr. Winkle finds himself in a strange time that he did not know anything of from his time. Everything is different from the way a business office runs to a hospital. But, the one thing that did remain familiar to him was the school. I thought that was an interesting point how over a hundred years there had been so many technological advances but not as many were seen in the schools.
It seems to me that education would be one of the top priorities for our government to focus on with getting our future leaders ready for a more advanced time. If we do not educate our children now on technology then they could be like Mr. Winkle in the future. We may not be able to compete with the other more advanced countries like China and India.
The Importance of Creativity
Ken Robinson's talk brought about many good points in a comical sort of way. I had never thought of the school systems killing children's creativity until now but I do see where there is some validity to that. One of his main points that I agree with is that it is okay to be wrong in order to be creative. How else are you truly going to learn something if you do not try. Even today when I am sitting in my college classes I am hesitant to speak up in class on the fear of being wrong.
From this lecture, I am taking away a new perspective on creativity. When I am teaching in the classroom one day I am going to encourage and support my students original thoughts. It is true that they are the future and we will need this originality and creativity when they are running the country.
Harness Your Students Digital Smarts
One of the first points that I took out of this video is that with more technology, more students will be able to succeed. Like Vicki Davis said, "not all students can learn with paper and pencil." Technology also introduces more terms to broaden the students vocabulary. With the advancement of technology, I see these terms as actually being useful and something that they can use in day-to day-life.
Technology is also something that students and teachers are able to learn together. Since technology is constantly changing they can learn the latest trend together. Technology also encourages people to do independent learning like that of which we are doing in our class.
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