Thursday, November 18, 2010

Project #15 Short Movie Trailer

This is a short movie trailer of four books created and produced by myself and Kiara Blackmon.

Please enjoy a preview of:

The Golden Goose
The Three Little Pigs
The Clown Arounds Go On Vacation
Mole Hole Holiday


  1. I liked your trailers. The first one with the Star Wars scroll was hard to read because the words scrolled so fast. I did not see the movie maker on the macs until after I already did my project. I want to go back in and play around with the mac movie maker. I believe though I could do the same word shots as you did on my computer with my Windows Movie Maker. Great job!

  2. Very good. The more questions, the more mystery, the better your trailers are!

    I think next time you should break them into 4 separate parts. Tat way you can use them with greater flexibility.
