Sunday, October 31, 2010

C4K October Summary Post

The first blog post that I commented on was by a young lady named, Chloe. She wrote her post based off of  the movie, Cars. She talked about the true friendships in the movie and how she can apply them to her own life. In her summary, she said that a true friend to her  is: "trustworthy, cheers you on, kind, caring and always there for you." I thought that these were some great values of friendship to see at such a young age. Overall, the content of her post was great except for a few gramatical errors.
The next student wrote about her reaction to romantic themes. She did a great job of telling everyone specifically how it made her feel. She mentioned that it could give her many emotions from being very excited to being very sad. The student even mentioned how these same emotions can be played out in t.v. advertisements. She says that it is all about how the writer or producer wants to make you feel. Again, I thought that this was another excellent student post.
The third week, my student was from a middle school in Iowa. Her post was a poem that she had written. She didn't metion particularly but I had guessed that it was a haiku.  I beleive that the point she was trying to make was to be your ownself and lively freely. Lexi R did a great job and seemed very mature beyond her expected age.
This week, my C4K was on Mr. McClung's class blog. He showed an assignment that he had given his students using Google SketchUp. This was another amazing tool produced by Google that allowed the students to create their own country. I absolutely amazed at the technological offerings that students have today. When I was younger, just about the most advanced tools that we had to express ourselves with were still crayons and paper. What a great distance education has come just in the last 10-15 years! 

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